Hill Ward Henderson Honored As One Of The Finalists For Tampa Bay Business Journal’s Healthiest Employers Of 2012

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Tampa Bay Business Journal’s Healthiest Employers of 2012 LogoHill Ward Henderson, was recently honored as a finalist for Tampa Bay Business Journal’s Healthiest Employers of 2012. To be eligible for this distinction, companies had to demonstrate evidence of an employee wellness program.

“We are honored to be a finalist for Healthiest Employers after just one year of initiation of our wellness program,” said Lisa Murfield the Human Resources Manager of Hill Ward Henderson. “We look forward to continuing to grow our program and to invest in our employees’ health and wellness.”

Since the start of Hill Ward Henderson’s wellness program, the firm has seen a decrease in both male and female employees who were overweight, lower moderate and high risk cholesterol and an increase in exercise.

This is the third year for Tampa Bay Business Journal’s Healthiest Employers program. The Tampa Bay Business Journal works exclusively with Indianapolis-based HealthiestEmployers, a technology and data research company focused on corporate wellness. The HealthiestEmployers’ proprietary technology was developed in conjunction with wellness experts, physicians, professors, employers and human resource professionals. The collaboration provides for an arms-length tool to identify and honor those local businesses that have made a rewarding realization — a healthier workplace means happier employees who are more productive, use less sick time and remain loyal longer.

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