Hill Ward Henderson provides our team members with the tools and the work environment they need to achieve success and forge lasting relationships. We foster positive connections with each other, with clients, and with the community at large — maintaining our culture while still keeping pace with the increasing sophistication of our client base.
For new lawyers, there is no better way to learn than to work hand-in-hand with experienced, respected professionals.
Our guiding principles dictate that we staff each matter efficiently for the benefit of the client. To best achieve this, the firm emphasizes close working relationships and shared responsibility among our shareholders, associates and staff. For new lawyers, there is no better way to learn than to work hand-in-hand with experienced, respected professionals. For experienced lawyers, there is no greater peace of mind than knowing that intelligent, diligent and reliable support is available for the client.
Our approach is practical and emphasizes hands-on learning over "classroom" training.
Our commitment to career development is integral to our practice. Our approach is practical and emphasizes hands-on learning over “classroom” training. One-on-one working relationships between senior shareholders and associates provide excellent training opportunities while efficiently and effectively servicing our clients. Assigned mentors provide professional direction, career guidance, and support.
Group-driven professional development programs supply specific skills training, business and practice development training, and other tools necessary to build a strong foundation within the associate’s selected field. Finally, firm-wide practice development programming provides associates with practical guidance on topics ranging from writing to client generation to business etiquette.
Q: Does Hill Ward Henderson conduct on-campus interviews at law schools?
A: Yes. Our firm visits a variety of law schools in the Southeastern U.S., conducting interviews with candidates for our Summer Associate Program.
Q: When are law school students interviewed for the Summer Associate Program?
A: We hold interviews in the late summer/early fall for the following summer's program. We also encourage those at schools we do not visit to submit their resumes directly to the firm (see Answer following next Question).
Q: How may I apply for a position?
A: Please send a resume, along with a cover letter, to Jeanie Poley, Chief Administrative Officer, 101 E. Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 3700, Tampa, Florida, 33602.
Q: How can I learn if Hill Ward Henderson has current positions available?
A: We recommend that you periodically check our website in the CAREERS section. Click the “Employment Opportunities” page which will allow you to apply online. You may upload your resume, along with a cover letter.
Q: Is it required for paralegals at Hill Ward Henderson to hold The Florida Bar’s FRP (Florida Registered Paralegal) certification?
A: No. We highly encourage our paralegals to seek the certification – and many at our firm have availed themselves of this opportunity. However, it is not a requirement for employment.